Wow. It sounds like the weather in Wisconsin is pretty rough right now. The other day we left the apartment at 7:30 in the morning, and it was mildly pleasant outside. I think that's the coldest it will get all year.
I got Clint's package on Sunday. It made my day. I'm loving the Celine Dion Christmas cd. And in case you were wondering missionaries can have a lot of fun with dollar store toys. I didn't get the packages from Mom, but I'm sure I'll get everything in the zone conference on the 22nd. Three zones are meeting together in Acapulco. It should be fun, but it will be 8 hours in a bus and 400 pesos to go and come back in the same day.
Yesterday we had stake conference. We had to travel an hour and a half to Lazaro. It was the first conference since being made a stake. The building wasn't designed to be a stake center. We couldn't all fit inside, so we met behind the church on the soccer/basketball court under a giant circus tent. It was a pretty cool conference. It had the theme of missionary work. Presidente Spannaus came and gave a great talk. I hope it motivated our two investigators that were there.
This week went pretty well. We found a lot of new investigators. We found a family that is way cool. The mom already accepted to be baptized.
I'm sorry I don't have much news to tell. I'll try to start writing things down during the week to make my letters more interesting.
I'll find out the number you can call on Christmas and what time you should call.
Take care,
Elder Hansen
ps I included some pictures of a cool sunset, a kid in a bucket, and me doing some contacting